How do you build a company that improves every day? One meeting at a time.
June 2020
Beyond the Squeaky Wheel
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Yet the squeak in the wheel might not be where the real opportunities lie.
Rat Race Leadership Teams
What’s needed to break the rat race of busy but not bold, routine reporting and status quo results? When will someone say stop; there is another way we can lead ourselves, this team, and our business?
Are You the Heavy Lifter in Your Team?
Heavy lifters are in the middle of everything, and if you are in the middle of everything, you are not managing the few things that only you can do.
Don’t Mask Your Contrarian Challenge
To survive this pandemic, it’s critical that we act in consensus with suggested health guidelines. Yet to thrive in these times and the future, we must continue to exercise our contrarian challenge.