
September 2020

Is there a ball hog in your executive team?

If you or any other senior executive, complain that they don’t get the buy-in they expect from their executive team or are concerned that they don’t get constructive push back from their executive colleagues, it could be an opportunity to look at how well “the ball” is being shared in the executive team.

Artificial versus Natural Challenges

When team conversations and discussions become too internally oriented, they are focusing on what I call artificial challenges. Teams that have an outward-bound orientation (customers, new opportunities in the marketplace) focus on natural challenges, outside the business.

S.A.C.R.E.D. Setbacks

A setback is an important sign that we are in a “learning zone”. If you are not experiencing setbacks, chances are you have wrapped yourself up too tightly in the comfort zone. Do not let setbacks keep you down, instead use the S.A.C.R.E.D. frame to help you move through them.

Have you lost your head?

To lose one’s head means to become confused or overly emotional about someone or something. Studies show that when we lost our head (temper) we are less likely to see another person’s perspective and this hurts our ability to build respectful relationships – risky for leaders and professionals at all levels.

Contact Information

Dan Norenberg
Wensauerplatz 11
81245 Munich
Phone: +49 172 862 5123

About Dan Norenberg

Dan Norenberg improves leadership performance and organization results through Executive Ownershift®, his transformational growth process for executive teams. As a trusted advisor, consultant and professional speaker, Dan’s mission is to enable executive teams and their organizations to play at their best.
