Said something that you later wish you hadn’t?
Losing your head as a professional, especially as an executive leader, can be devastating for your reputation, your organizational culture and hinders high performance.
Here is an effective way to “keep your head.”
Write the words, EVENT, RESPONSE, and OUTCOME on three different index cards.
When we lose our head, an event triggers an often, undesirable response which can sour the intended outcome.
Now arrange the cards in a new order: EVENT, OUTCOME, and RESPONSE.
When you feel triggered by an event, think first (even for a milli-second) of the outcome you want to achieve. This leads to choosing a less volatile response to the event. Using this practice, you will soon have your disruptive behavior under control. (I speak from personal experience here.)
If you are prone to losing your head in critical situations, carry these three cards in your pocket for the next several weeks. Having them with you, handling them occasionally helps you become more deliberate and conscious about how to deal with triggers that lead to losing your head.
Keep these cards in your pocket and your head on your shoulders.
What ways do you use to not “lose your head”?