
effective leadership (Page 1 of 4)

In some organizations, the official word is, “We trust you, you are our most important asset”, yet through unwritten rules and actions, they say, “We do not really trust you and in fact, if you want something, you have to go up three levels in the organization to get approval because trust is reserved for an exclusive and select few here”. How does your leadership team use trust to create a culture of ownership?

Must-Win Battle Scorecard

Last week I shared questions that help leadership teams reflect on their business performance, lessons learned, and missed opportunities. Here’s a highly effective framework that leadership teams can use to address and review their must-win battles.

Executive Ownershift

How does your leadership team play the game, with a systematic approach to success or is everyone trying to be “the star” on the court? If you’re a senior leader and interested in exchanging ideas from your leadership team success playbook, I’ll be happy to share my playbook with you. It will help us both play a better game.

No Problems at the Top?

Executive teams often know what they want. yet miss opportunities to transform themselves and their business because they are unwilling to address what the need. Here are six questions executive teams (or people that support them) can use to get at what they need to play at their best, rather than settling for what is comfortable or what they want.

Limiting Labels

When you label yourself, others, or situations around you, you stop seeing opportunities for growth and lock yourself into a limiting belief. Live life beyond the label.

The Holiday Wedding

This holiday wedding story is a gentle reminder of what happens when we fail to recognize how important our contribution is to the customer, a teammate, and our organization.

Embrace Your Pessimism

Pop culture bombards us with “the glass is half full” messages and scolds those that refer to anything that resembles “a half empty glass”. Yet we owe our existence, in part, to the survival strategies that kick in when we view things pessimistically. How do you encourage both pessimistic and optimistic conversations in your team?

Engulfed in Escalations?

Are you engulfed by escalations because others ask you how do things or to take on uncomfortable tasks instead of developing their own ideas and actions? Here are three ways to ensure that you aren’t on the receiving end of every escalation that comes your way.

Contact Information

Dan Norenberg
Wensauerplatz 11
81245 Munich
Phone: +49 172 862 5123

About Dan Norenberg

Dan Norenberg improves leadership performance and organization results through Executive Ownershift®, his transformational growth process for executive teams. As a trusted advisor, consultant and professional speaker, Dan’s mission is to enable executive teams and their organizations to play at their best.
