
executive breakthroughs

The Executive Team Nest

Nesting behaviors can attach to any organizational team or function in your business. When nesting creeps into your executive team (or any other team for that matter), the team is not playing at its best. This puts your entire organization at risk. How do you ensure that nesting does not take place in the leadership team that you are a part of?

No Problems at the Top?

Executive teams often know what they want. yet miss opportunities to transform themselves and their business because they are unwilling to address what the need. Here are six questions executive teams (or people that support them) can use to get at what they need to play at their best, rather than settling for what is comfortable or what they want.

Limiting Labels

When you label yourself, others, or situations around you, you stop seeing opportunities for growth and lock yourself into a limiting belief. Live life beyond the label.

A 600-year-old leadership team off-site location?

Breakthrough learning locations, I look for off-site venues that are conducive to breakthrough learning and results – so if you have a leadership team that is looking for fertile ground to take their next big steps, I can highly recommend the Spread Eagle Hotel & Spa in Midhurst.

Make Meetings Matter #4

Creating and leading meetings that matter is the single most valuable situation you have to create a culture of ownership and breakthrough results for your business. Why is your executive meeting the best meeting in the company?

Who Stays and Who Goes?

Vowing to throw everyone overboard and start anew or promising to let everyone keep their jobs and maintain the status quo are poor approaches to building a highly effective leadership team. Use the “filter five questions” to support who stays and who leaves the leadership team. It is a pragmatic filiter to improve leadership team performance and organizational results.

Contact Information

Dan Norenberg
Wensauerplatz 11
81245 Munich
Phone: +49 172 862 5123

About Dan Norenberg

Dan Norenberg improves leadership performance and organization results through Executive Ownershift®, his transformational growth process for executive teams. As a trusted advisor, consultant and professional speaker, Dan’s mission is to enable executive teams and their organizations to play at their best.
