Executive teams often know what they want. yet miss opportunities to transform themselves and their business because they are unwilling to address what the need. Here are six questions executive teams (or people that support them) can use to get at what they need to play at their best, rather than settling for what is comfortable or what they want.
high performance teams
Fireside Insights
Executives often say that when they look back at their team transformation process, the fireside chats, with its non-judgmental atmosphere, were team-tipping points for them. How do you get to the real heart of the emotions, concerns, and ambitions of your leadership team?
The Road to Intellectual Integrity
Intellectual integrity is the ability to see the world as it is, not as you want it to be. This means not doing what you WANT to do, but rather what NEEDS to be done, serving the interests of your organization first.
Where is the oxygen mask?
For action oriented, results-driven executives, it is very easy to jump into business issues too deeply and overlook what is happening in the leadership team. How does the oxygen mask rule lead to better performance in your leadership team?
It’s meeting time – here’s why it matters.
Is your executive meeting the best meeting in the company? If it is not, do not rest until you have a plan in place to make it the “gold standard meeting”, one that sets an example for every meeting in your organization.
Reverse engineer your hidden agendas
Hidden agendas distract leadership teams and cripple organizational performance.
Superficial or Senseful Strategy?
Leadership teams fall short of their strategic ambitions, in many instances, because they settle for strategy authorship, rather than strategic ownership. Just because a leadership team has created strategy (authorship) does not mean they and the organization own it.
Leadership Muscle
How do use your muscle, or power, as a leader? To drive immediate action or influence others to act?
Playing in the Park & the Future of Leadership
Only one out of five executives believe they are part of a high-performance leadership team. Seven out of ten leaders do not feel they get any real value from the leadership team they are a part of. Something is missing.
Build a company that improves every day
How do you build a company that improves every day? One meeting at a time.