Lincoln felt that leaders, whether they be politicians, pastors, or the head of a family, had a moral obligation to challenge and inspire people to become a better version of themselves. What about you?
leadership development
Innovative blockbusters this year….
Still open for some innovations yourself this year?
Creating an Ownership Culture
There are many reasons to create an ownership culture in your organization. There is no reason to start this anywhere except in the executive team.
Beyond the Squeaky Wheel
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Yet the squeak in the wheel might not be where the real opportunities lie.
Rat Race Leadership Teams
What’s needed to break the rat race of busy but not bold, routine reporting and status quo results? When will someone say stop; there is another way we can lead ourselves, this team, and our business?
The Time to Invest is Now
We do not learn to swim by holding onto the side of the pool. There has never been a better time to invest in yourself.