I could not help but think about the actress’s backstory, that only a few in the audience were aware of. 25 years earlier, I sat at her family’s dining room table, in a small Black Forest village, listening to Angela’s parents encourage her to pursue a real career, something more stable and traditional, something to fall back on if this acting fantasy did not materialize. Yet her passion, resilience, and determination to follow her instincts were already strong, even with the uncertain road ahead of her.
Resilient Relationships #1
Leaders who won’t share where they struggle, feel reluctant to critic a part of the business outside of their scope, or fail to give a senior colleague feedback when it’s needed, are signs that resilient relationships are missing, meaning this team will struggle, which means everyone else in the organization will as well.
Where is your true finish line?
How do you ensure that your team, and your organization, run through the true finish line?
Well-Being Moments of Truth
Once the day gets rolling, it is difficult to get the quiet moments needed to reset our mindfulness, resilience, and well-being. This is why it is ultra important to manage our well-being moments of truth.
Share Your Jewels
Disappointment, frustration, and anger distance us from the valuable jewel of contentment.