It is flattering to have a cartoon created about the work that I do, but instead of blowing the horn of self-promotion, let’s unpack the work of Ted Teo. Ted’s an expert podcaster and understands that the cartoon format harnesses two powerful communication intensifiers, one being that a cartoon tells a story. All too often people rattle of statistics without tying it to a story. While facts tell us what happened, a story tells us why it matters. Secondly, a cartoon is visual, and our brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than text messages. We all know the saying, “a picture is work a thousand words” yet only the master communicators put this into practice.
Magnetize Your Strategy
Strategy often stumbles because it is a collection of complicated facts and initiatives that are confusing and difficult to follow. Craft a strategy that tells a story about helping customers and creating value for others and you have got foundation for an emotionally compelling strategy. Logic and facts encourage us to think, yet stories evoke emotions that compel us to act.
The Preacher’s Bike
It is easy to blame others for inconveniences, injustices and events that make our life difficult. Responsibility, accountability, and ownership are the foundations of our personal influence and power. When we step up, accept, and own the challenge at hand, we strengthen our self-confidence, resilience, and ability to improve things around us.
How Personal is the Business Strategy for You?
Strategy that focuses on helping customers, creating value, or enabling people do something better or different than they did it before, is a solid foundation for an emotionally compelling strategy.