How often have we watched people from the same organization, talk to each other in the same language and still take different meanings from the conversation? Here’s a gentle reminder that what you say isn’t always what people understand.
executive communication
Small and Large Rocks
Have you ever ask the executive team for more resources or a bigger investment and came away empty handed? All too often the presenters, with legitimate needs, were talking about small rocks.
Crafting a Strategic Narrative
Strategic content is important, but it is your strategic narrative that moves people into passionate action. As you and your leadership team share your strategy into the business, spend some time to review and sharpen how you present where your business is going with the people that make it happen.
Executive Isolation
When executive leaders feel left out of the information loop or get information just before the train is going to hit the wall, it’s often the result of unintentional patterns by executives themselves that lead to the isolation syndrome