
Crafting a Strategic Narrative

Crafting a Strategic Narrative

Does your leadership team communicate strategy with consistent and powerful messages or are different signals and signs creating strategic confusion?

Maybe it is time for you and your leadership team to look at your strategic narrative.

Strategic content is important, but it is your strategic narrative that moves people into passionate action. As you and your leadership team share your strategy into the business, spend some time to review and sharpen  how you present where your business is going with the people that make it happen.

Your strategic narrative drives execution. When your strategic narrative is floppy, inconsistent or lacks passion, so goes your strategic execution. Leaders underestimate the power and importance of a well-designed and well-delivered strategic narrative.

Look at your strategic narrative like a rope, that guides people, teams and your organization from where they are today to where strategic success resides in the future. Your “strategic narrative rope” is actually three narratives wrapped into one. They are:

The Personal Narrative

Why is this work important to you?

Why are you at this job and not another?

What is the story that got you here?

Where is the personal meaning in what you do?

 The Outside-In Narrative

What is the problem, challenge or opportunity in the marketplace that you want to capitalize on?

What‘s the size of the prize and what‘s the purpose in doing this?

The Inside-Out Narrative

Why is your firm or business group uniquely qualified to success in this strategic journey?

What competences and capabilities do you bring to this opportunity?

A rationally clear and emotionally compelling strategic narrative weaves all three of these narratives into a “strategic story” that enables people to play at their best.

Spend time with your leadership team, with the specific intention of building a delivering an enabling strategic narrative.

Contact Information

Dan Norenberg
Wensauerplatz 11
81245 Munich
Phone: +49 172 862 5123

About Dan Norenberg

Dan Norenberg improves leadership performance and organization results through Executive Ownershift®, his transformational growth process for executive teams. As a trusted advisor, consultant and professional speaker, Dan’s mission is to enable executive teams and their organizations to play at their best.
