
Masterful Marshall in Action

Masterful Marshall in Action

It was a special experience introducing Marshall Goldsmith as the keynote speaker at the recent Global Forum, led by Yury Boshyk.

Observing Marshall through the planning process, as well as his interactions with this talented community of executives, academics, and consultants, provided some great insights, namely:

Do everything like it is the last time you will do it.

As the #1 executive coach in the world, you might think that Marshall would cut back on his preparation, however this was not the case. His interest in the community, their backgrounds, interests, and motivations were detailed and focused.

Create connection before content.

Marshall developed rapport with people as they came into the virtual conference and created common ground with the audience before he started his talk.

People perform better when they feel good, and Marshall helps people feel good.

Another aspect of Marshall’s mastery is that he helps people feel better about themselves while challenging and encouraging everyone, including himself, to be a better version of who they are.

Thanks Marshall, another great learning experience with you!


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Contact Information

Dan Norenberg
Wensauerplatz 11
81245 Munich
Phone: +49 172 862 5123

About Dan Norenberg

Dan Norenberg improves leadership performance and organization results through Executive Ownershift®, his transformational growth process for executive teams. As a trusted advisor, consultant and professional speaker, Dan’s mission is to enable executive teams and their organizations to play at their best.
