If you are truly motivated to become more strategic, and determined to develop your strategic I.Q., you will find a way to acquire this resource, even if you must explore ancient bookstores to do so!
effective strategy
Is Your Strategy Closet Already Stuffed?
It only makes sense that if you add new priorities to this year’s strategic agenda, you need conversations about what you are going to say no to. If you don’t, soon you’ll find yourself in the situation with too many priorities or that everything is a priority. Of course, this means nothing is a priority. How do you ensure that you do not overstuff your “strategy closet”?
Create a Senseful Strategy #5
Leadership teams fall short of their strategic ambitions, in many instances, because they settle for strategy authorship, rather than strategic ownership. Just because a leadership team has created strategy (authorship) does not mean they and the organization own it.