Suggesting change for others is much easier that taking the personal steps to our own change, yet meaningful change gets diluted when we ask others to change and not change ourselves. How do your senior leadership teams set the example for change they expect in others?
executive leadership (Page 1 of 3)
The Cobbler’s Children Go Barefoot
Like the cobbler, who does not see that only his children do not have shoes, executive leadership teams that fail to put themselves under the critical lens of continuous improvement miss the opportunity to own the transformation they so often ask of others. Learn the signs of a resistant executive or resistant executive team.
Miserable or Magnificent Failure?
We are all going to fail, at many aspects of life and business. While failing is an unavoidable fact of life, we can choose how we fail. A leader’s role is to help people fail magnificently. How about you, and your leadership team – in what ways are you supporting your people to fail magnificently or are you a part of a miserable failure culture?
Better Vision Builds a Better Future
Vision is a team sport, where every member must contribute to its growth. How does the strength of your organizational vision and all that it influences create a competitive advantage for you?
Who said two years are the “terrible twos”?
It’s the two year anniversary for “Executive Ownershift, Creating Highly Effective Leadership Teams”. Let me make the following offer on this two year anniversary: If you (or your organization) order 100 copies of Executive Ownership, Creating Highly Effective Leadership Teams, I’ll spend day with you, your leadership team or another part of your organization that would profit from leadership team excellence. Contact me via LinkedIn or via my web site for details on this limited offer, looking forward to another terrific two years supporting your executive ownershift.
Becoming a Strategic Leader
What is the most strategic decision you have made in the last 60 days, personally or professionally? How do you continue to develop as a strategic leader? Learn how you can improve your strategic leadership skills, especially strategic decison making.
Hiding Your Development?
None of us are perfect. When we pretend to be perfect, hide our imperfections, and discourage people from giving us feedback and ideas to improve, we lose followers and our ability to influence others.
Strategic Leader Fitness Review-Part II
To get an idea of your strategic fitness, and where your opportunities for strategic growth may be, look into the Strategic Leader Fitness Review. Make sure you look into all three parts!
Where did the $700 billion travel budget go?
What did your company do with these unexpected travel surpluses? If you were the CEO of your company, what would you do with the travel budgets that were not used last year?
Hiding your best practices?
What is happening in your business? Are your great ideas living in isolation? Talking about knowledge sharing means little if you practice knowledge hiding.